privacy - or Lack There Of

When you sign up for social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you think that even though you are choosing to make what you want public, the company and the government can't use that information. Think again. They are actually making a profit off of your information by selling it other companies to gain access into seeing what you like. That way they can advertise and bombard you with companies that are trying to sell you things that they think you like. And what makes that even scarier is that a lot of the times, it is things that you would want to purchase. Which is just maddening. 
Instead of trying to scare everyone in this post, I would like to give some tips on how to protect your privacy online.
1. Check Social Privacy Settings
2. Don't use public storages for private information
3. Evade trafficking
4. keep your main email and phone number private
5. Use messaging apps with end-to-end encryptions
6. Use secure passwords
7. Review permissions from mobile apps and browser extensions
8. Secure your phone and computer with passwords or passcodes
9. Disable lock screen notifications
10. Stay Private on wifi networks
While these tips may sound great, they won't be dead-end ways to keep your privacy private. For one to do that you would need to purchase protection plans from your local technology store, but hopefully these will be helpful in some way in minimizing your private information from becoming public information.



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