Meghan Markle and Harry get setback on Lawsuit against Tabloid

Former Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle are in a legal battle with an English tabloid, The Mail, over a letter that they published that was written by Markle to her father in August of 2018. They recently had a setback over what they would actually being suing the company for. Justice Warby (in England) did not find that the tabloid was acting dishonestly, offensively or intrusively in the article in question and others that were written about her. What they could sue for would be invasion of privacy. 

Meghan had written a letter to her father back in August of 2018 after her wedding to Prince Harry, detailing how heartbroken she was that he didn't attend and how mad she is that he runs to the media after she continually tries to call him. She had written this letter in private to him, and then he sent this letter over to The Mail for them to publish. 

Her team believes that the tabloid had acted dishonestly, but the Justice does not believe so but does think they invaded her privacy.
What I noticed from this article was that they did not discern whether Markle was using an American attorney or an international or English one. Although I do believe that The Mail acted dishonestly, was trying to "defame" her or to be crude and offensive, I don't think American laws can apply in this situation. 


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