Having a Healthy Relationship with Technology - Final Post

Technology - mostly social media - nowadays are very toxic for young people. With constantly comparing themselves to others, thinking they have to be happy all the time, and posting only the good things, social media has created a fake reality for its users. Like Professor Smith had said, technology has brought us so many good things but it also brought us so many bad things, like every other invention in this world. 
But I don't want to harp about the negatives of social media in this post - rather I would like to help others to fostering a better relationship with technology and social media, so that they won't become another statistic in depressive or even suicide rates because of this innovation.  
For starters, taking a break from social media and giving yourself time to relax and breath without others' expectations is a necessity. I don't mean a whole day or for weeks, but a good hour or two a day to minimize the pressures that comes from being online all the time. But the other ways to creating a better relationship with technology include:
1. Manage your notifications - not being notified every time someone texts you or posts online will give you a break from constantly feeling like you need to be on top of everything. Studies have shown that when you get a notification, after 2 minutes of not looking or acknowledging that notification can completely derail you and reduce your productivity and it can take about 23 minutes to get back on track. 
2. Distance yourself from Toxicity - the persuasion of others online, and the surmounting amounts of negativity online has an affect on us, even if we don't realize it. Our subconscious holds onto what we read whether not we can recall it, and when negative news and other things that tell us what we are doing are wrong, is being thrown at us every time we open an app it can take a toll on our mental well-being. Limit yourself on who you or what you follow so that the negatives aren't the only things you see
3. Make time to create, curate, and share the positive - remember: positivity is contagious. Be apart of the solution in breaking the negative trends that are online by creating and sharing positive things you see in a day or think of. It can brighten your mood and it just may fall into someone else's lap that may need a pick me up too. 

These are just a few solutions to helping create a better relationship with technology - something that I am willing to try myself. 



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