OPINION: Why We Never Hear About Antiwar Voices in Mainstream News

When it comes to talk about a possible war with Iran, that President Trump will likely soon start, I am completely and utterly against it. So if you don't agree, I suggest you stop reading now. I was lucky enough to be born and raised in the United States where I have the right to speak negatively about my government and I am going to do so in this post. President Trump and the Trump administration are running America into the ground. To me, Donald Trump is not my President, he is an authoritarian cheese-doodle that somehow got into the Position of President.
So getting to what this post is actually about, I am going to flat out say, I think that Trump has something to do with no one hearing about Antiwar voices. He is so convinced that he has been the greatest thing to have come to the American government, that he has convinced everyone, including media, that his voice and those who support him are more important than those who are against. We are all so wrapped up in the idea that we may be on the brink of war with Iran, that our eyes are only watching Iran's every move. We are also watching our President send out almost 120,000 troops to the Middle East so that they can keep an eye on Iran and their nuclear plans and keep our bases safe. when in actuality, Iran has no capability of actually seriously damaging our military.
We are so worried about all of this, that we are completely missing our own people's voices who are against war. Everyone has their reasons as to why war should or shouldn't happen, but right now we are only listening to those who want it too. And this is all in part to Trump, and how anyone who disagrees with him is just 'fake news.'
We are in a society where we live off of fake news and no one knows what is actually true or not. Everyone is also so worried about everyone else and what they are saying, some people forget that opinions aren't facts. Which is where our President falls under. People believe that what he says is 'fake news' is actually untrue and is in fact, fake news. They attribute his what he thinks to be facts, and not that he is acting like a teenage girl and throwing a temper tantrum online about people who don't agree with him and what he has been doing. But that is also part of the problem.
Trump has made this government and his presidency a commodity, so people are only interested in the ridiculousness that is our governmental system. It's basically a reality TV show. And those whose voices are being missed are those who are antiwar. These people are using facts and real information about why war with Iran is not a good idea, and that we would be better off without starting another war. But because our government is like Real Housewives of Orange County, we are just more interested in what they have to say.

Resources used:

- https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/05/permanent-anti-war-movement/589573/
- https://www.antiwar.com
- https://www.theamericanconservative.com/web-categories/military-defense/


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